Bluestacks internet connection settings
Bluestacks internet connection settings

bluestacks internet connection settings

On the app page, select the hamburger menu on the top left corner of the screen. Open the Contacts app by clicking on its icon. Install Contacts app by Google LLC on BlueStacks. How to sync your phone contacts in WhatsApp on BlueStacks? 1.

bluestacks internet connection settings

Visit the WhatsApp Web app page on your computer. Step 3: Next, you need to open WhatsApp and then enter your mobile number followed by the password. For this type Download BlueStacks in the search bar of your browser and click on the very first result. I have installed a BlueStack on my Windows 10 Notebook. Launch the Google Chrome browser on your PC and visit. Your WhatsApp account is tied to your phone number and in order to create a new account you have to be able to enter a phone number and receive an.

Bluestacks internet connection settings